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Financiële administratie

Els Brugman

About Els

I have enjoyed being part of the team at MCN since 2001. I have watched the practice grow from one location to what it is today, but my enthusiasm for my work has remained unchanged. My duties mainly focus on everything related to claims, both to the health insurance company and to the patient. I am also happy to assist therapists in correctly creating pathways, returns and CSI codes, and resolve any problems that arise.

Despite the growth of the practice, the atmosphere has always remained warm, personal and professional. We value a good bond between us and that is something that appeals to me greatly. It is nice to work in an environment where everyone feels valued and where together we strive to provide the best possible care for our patients.

Besides my work, I have long been happily together with my husband, with whom I have a daughter and two granddaughters. We like to spend a lot of time together. In my free time, I can regularly be found at the gym, where I can indulge my passion for sports and exercise. I also greatly enjoy eating out and we like to take short vacations to unwind.