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Oefentherapeut Mensendieck

Abanoub Mankaryous

About Abanoub


Occupational therapy Mensendieck with major in work, performing arts and sports.

Areas of focus

  • Posture and movement-related complaints and abnormalities
  • Neck and shoulder complaints
  • COVID-19 Rehabilitation
  • Knee pain
  • Parkinson’s (affiliated with Parkinson’sNet)
  • Neurological rehabilitation (after CVA)
  • Low back pain
  • Postoperative rehabilitation (knee and hip replacements)

From my sports background, I have come to understand the importance of favorable posture during exercise. Because of this, I chose the profession of exercise therapist Mensendieck. This profession allows me, as a movement expert, to guide others so that they can return to their daily activities free of complaints and/or with a favorable posture. The joy in people when they can perform their hobbies again gives me a lot of energy.

All ages are welcome, from young to old. I am also happy to treat people at home. Each treatment is given with personal motivation, a smile and lots of enthusiasm!

Every complaint, body and person is different. As an exercise therapist, I look at the whole body making each treatment customized for you. As a result, no treatment is the same. A treatment plan is developed with you so that agreement is reached. This agreement makes the treatments more enjoyable and we are both excited for the next treatment.

“Why make it difficult when it can be done together.”



  • Monday, Tuesday and Friday (Buikslotermeerplein 243)
  • Wednesday (Beaver Street 9)
