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Chronic pain

chronic pain

Moving together toward better. Regaining control of your own life

Pain is your body’s natural protective mechanism. Something is not right and something must be done about it. Acute pain usually has an obvious cause, such as an injury or infection. After resting for a while or treating the cause, this pain goes away.

However, pain can also become chronic. We speak of chronic pain:

  • When pain symptoms persist for more than 3 months.
  • There is no one-to-one relationship (anymore) with the original injury.

Often there are multiple reasons why the pain remains. This is different in every situation. Therefore, it is important to understand your personal situation.

Chronic pain


During treatment, we work with you to identify what chronic pain and its consequences mean to you and how you can deal with it differently.
Because each person experiences chronic pain and its effects differently, we customize treatment. Treatment duration also varies from person to person. You will learn skills that will help you manage chronic pain. Here, your exercise therapist is your coach, so to speak.

Treatment focuses on:

  • That you can function better.
  • That you regain confidence in your own body so that you can resume daily activities.
  • That you experience a better quality of life.
  • That you – and not your pain – ultimately determine your life again.

We sometimes see that by dealing with pain differently, pain reduction is achieved. After three months, the results are discussed with you, consultation with your referring physician takes place, and treatment is adjusted if necessary.


  • Exercise therapy: strengthen muscles and improve mobility to reduce pain.
  • Manual Therapy: Techniques to reduce muscle tension and mobilize joints.
  • Pain education: Provide insight into pain mechanisms and strategies to better manage pain.
  • Relaxation techniques: methods such as breathing exercises and mindfulness to reduce stress and pain.
  • TENS therapy
  • Sleep training
  • Teaching (self) hypnosis
  • Virtual Reality

Chronic pain

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