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Sleep awake and healthy!(*)

Azad Khan, sleep coach PhysioMCN

Sleep like a Pro: Coaching for Sleep Problems with Various Therapies and (Self) Hypnosis

You’ve tried so many times to improve your sleep. You’ve taken sleep aids, tried different sleep techniques and even downloaded apps that promise to make you sleep better. Yet you keep lying awake at night, tossing and turning, and feeling exhausted and frustrated during the day.

The problem is simple but profound: you are not sleeping well. This lack of sleep has a negative impact on your daily life. You are irritable, have trouble concentrating, and your health begins to suffer. You know something has to change, but you don’t know where to start. Despite everything you try, the problem only seems to grow. It becomes so big that it even pushes you out of your bed and even takes a prominent place  in your life. 

As an experienced sleep coach, I am here to guide you. I understand your challenges because I have helped many people like you.  Indeed, I myself struggled with my sleep for years. Chronic insomnia is called it.  I sometimes slept only 3 to 4 hours a night for weeks at a time. And when I was awake I was fighting and struggling with sleep. Nothing helped and the harder I fought the bigger the problem became.  Over the years I have accumulated more and more knowledge, analyzed my experiences and especially the failed attempts, and developed a whole range of useful techniques for myself. After frequent trial and error, fine tuning, adding new elements to my strategy, I turned out to discover something very important: fighting and sleeping do not mix! All kinds of rituals and magical acts, pills, potions, prayers nor powders have any effect. 

By filtering and blending all my experiences, failed attempts and successful strategies, I found a method that has helped me and many of my clients since then tremendously. 

Keep following your current path and you will continue to struggle with fatigue and frustration. Poor sleep can lead to serious health problems such as a weakened immune system, weight gain and even depression. You deserve better.

If you are ready, now is the time to take action. Don’t let your sleep problems control your life any longer. Contact Physio MCN today for a  intake interview. Discover how coaching for sleep problems, combined with various therapies and self-hypnosis, can help you get the restful nights you deserve.

We begin with a comprehensive analysis of your sleep habits and lifestyle. Then, together, we create a personal sleep plan tailored to your unique needs. This plan combines the best elements from various therapies, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I): Helps identify and change thoughts and behaviors that disrupt your sleep.

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Learning how to relax your body and mind for a better night’s sleep.

  • (Self)Hypnosis: The latest insights and techniques in hypnosis to help you relax and fall asleep faster. I also teach you self-hypnosis so that you can take control of your sleep yourself.

  • Paradoxical approach techniques

  • Sleep Hygiene Advice: Practical tips to optimize your sleep environment and routine (most know these and much can be found on all kinds of sites on the Internet).

Imagine sleeping soundly every night and waking up refreshed and energized every morning. Feel your performance at work and in your personal life improve. You feel healthier, happier and more balanced. This is the life you can have with the right guidance and support.

By telling this story , I hope to inspire and motivate you to take the first step toward better sleep. Let’s work together for a life full of energy and well-being.

 (*) Sleep You Awake and Fit I have chosen as a tribute in memory of Dr. Hans Hamburger, a pioneer,  who has meant very much for sleep research and bringing sleep problems to the attention of professionals and patients. His book “Sleep Awake and Healthy” is highly recommended for anyone dealing with sleep problems!