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Interview with Brigitte Arntz – pelvic therapy

Brigitte completed her 3-year master’s degree in pelvic physical therapy in 2015.

Why your choice of pelvic physical therapy?
“For more than 30 years at Physical Therapy MCN, I have enjoyed treating patients in
Amsterdam North. After my own deliveries, my interest in treating people with pelvic pain grew. In recent years, I realized I was missing something when treating my pelvic patients. Through internal examination, which is allowed as a master pelvic therapist, it is more possible to correctly diagnose and treat more effectively in a large group of pelvic patients. That was the reason I started the master’s program in pelvic physical therapy three years ago.”

What does a pelvic physical therapist do?
“We are concerned with the functioning of the pelvic and pelvic floor area. For example, people with problems in this area may have complaints in the areas of urology, gynecology, pregnancy, sexology, proctology (complaints of rectum and anus), orthopedics or neurology. So pelvic physical therapy deals with urination, defecation, intercourse, pregnancy and childbirth. With these complaints, perception and intimacy play an important role.

Also, collaboration with the urologist, gynecologist, sexologist, surgeon, pediatrician,
geriatrician, rehabilitation physician, continence/stoma nurse practitioner and family physician important for achieving lasting results.”

What did you learn during the training?
“A proper intake, covering all aspects of the complaint is very important to arrive at a correct physical therapy diagnosis. This leads to being able to make an accurate prognosis and initiate the optimal treatment. The training also pays close attention to the latest scientific developments and how I can apply them in practice. There is also a strong focus on prevention of complaints and collaboration with other professionals.

We often deal with emotionally charged conditions. I learned in training that a professional attitude, with compassion for the patient but also with appropriate distance, is especially important with this group.

We often have conversations with patients about “taboo topics” (urination, defecation, sex). Extensive attention was paid to this during the training. I, and of course my patients, benefit greatly from that now in practice.”

You mentioned internal examination. What does that mean?
“As a master of pelvic physiotherapy, I am authorized (of course, always with the patient’s consent) to perform internal pelvic floor examinations. This makes it possible to perform better diagnostics in order to deploy the right therapy. I am thinking, for example, of biofeedback, electrostimulation and EMG recording.”

Can you tell more about that?
“For several weeks now, MCN has had the MAPLe. This is a biofeedback system that maps the function of the pelvic floor muscles and can also be used for training. I can now measure and stimulate the activity of the different pelvic floor muscles. The patient can also use feedback to relax the pelvic floor.”

Who can all come to you for pelvic physical therapy?
“In addition to my master’s degree in pelvic physical therapy, I have completed additional training in treating children with pelvic pain. Both men, women and children can come to me for treatment. Pelvic physiotherapy is reimbursed from the supplementary insurance. For children up to 18 years it is reimbursed from the basic insurance. Physiotherapy MCN has a contract with all insurers.”